Objects of Ruin

Is female beauty disposable?
The #MeToo moment in history is perhaps no better time to examine this question. By juxtaposing discarded female beauty with discarded ruins of civilization, Objects of Ruin confronts the notion that beauty, like roads, houses, and cities, is a commodity we process, consume, and discard to ultimate decay. It is my hope that the viewer will be challenged to reconsider notions of beauty, objectification, and the incendiary metaphor of female nudity, while also aesthetically engaging an exploration of the ruins of society and a sometimes farcical and sometimes direct experience with the potentially disturbing beauty in death and destruction. Perhaps the path to ruin is the natural life cycle.
12"x12" Hardcover Fine Art Tabletop Book, 2014. SameSource Fine Art Publications, ISBN: 978132013494
Features models Lanei Badhabit, Stormy Petrel, Akcent, Cat Schrodinger, Lily Lefleur, Heather Morgan, and Ciel Faustus.